Vintage Branding MockUp is a free psd mockup template that created with Photoshop smart objects to allow the end user to edit the design featured within the layout.

These Mockup PSD Template is suitable for showcase your latest vintage design. Vintage Branding MockUp Template format making it easier then ever to edit. Download these free PSD MockUp Template to present your designs more attractive in front of your client.

If you're looking for a kit that makes it easy to throw together a vintage logo and branding fast this kit is for you. Plus, right now it's only $19. I've spent more than that on a single stock photo! But for just $19 you can get an entire vintage branding kit you can use FOREVER!

iPhone 5 Urban Photo MockUp Template Info:

Format: Layered PSD
Smart Objects: Yes
Dimensions: 3000×2000 px
Minimum Photoshop Version: CS4
Size: 52.5 Mb